Awards & Distinctions
Awards & Distinctions
21st Century Hope Prize laureate of the 7th Niigata International Food Award of Japan – 2022
Dr Kazuki Saito, AfricaRice Agronomist won the 21st Century Hope Prize of the 7th Niigata International Food Award in July 2022 for his significant scientific achievements geared toward practical applications that contribute to enhancing sustainable productivity of rice-based farming systems and farmers’ livelihood in sub-Saharan Africa.
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Quality of Research Discovery Award - 2022
Dr Aminou Arouna, Impact Assessment Economist and Leader of the Policy, Innovation Systems and Impact Assessment Program, received the 2022 Quality of Research Discovery Award of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA).
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Africa Section Best Publication of 2021 Award - 2022
Publication titled “One Size Fits All? Experimental Evidence on The Digital Delivery of Personalized Extension Advice in Nigeria” (co-authored by A Arouna (AfricaRice), JD Michler (University of Arizona), WG Yergo (AfricaRice) and K Saito (AfricaRice) won the first prize in AAEA Africa Section Best Publication of 2021 Award.
Award from Cote d’Ivoire Government to AfricaRice for social protection of its workers - 2022
AfricaRice received an award from the Hon. Minister of Employment and Social Protection, Government of Cote d’Ivoire for the Center’s strong commitment to social protection of its workers.
AfricaRice Agronomist-Consultant wins IFA Emerging Scholar Award -2022
Jean-Martial Johnson, Agronomy-Consultant, who supports the Sustainable Enhancement Productivity Program at AfricaRice relating to its work for the CGIAR Excellence in Agronomy Initiative, was named joint winner of the 2022 International Fertilizer Association (IFA) Emerging Scholar Award.
Republic of Korea Presidential Award of Achievement – 2021
The Republic of Korea Presidential Award of Achievement 2021 was bestowed on AfricaRice in November 2021 for its successful partnership with the Rural Development Administration (RDA) of the Republic of Korea under the Korea-Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI).
Norman Borlaug Award for Field Research and Application - 2021
Dr Elliott Dossou-Yovo, AfricaRice Agriculture and Climate Change Specialist, won the 2021 Norman Borlaug Award for Field Research and Application for spearheading climate-smart water management strategies in West Africa. He was honored at the World Food Prize Award Ceremony in October 2021.
American Society of Agronomy Emerging Leader for African Agricultural Transformation (ELAAT) Award - 2021
Dr Ali Ibrahim, Systems Agronomist and Soil Scientist, was selected by the American Society of Agronomy (ASA) as its 2021 Emerging Leader for African Agricultural Transformation (ELAAT) Award. He was included in the ASA 2021 Awards Hall of Fame.
One Planet Fellowship - 2021
Jean-Martial Johnson, AfricaRice Research Associate, was selected for One Planet Fellowship, an initiative which targets African researchers working on climate change. This initiative is supported by the Gates Foundation, BNP Paribas Foundation, EU and the International Development Research Center (CERDI).
Al-Sumait Food Security Prize - 2019
The Board of Trustees of the Al-Sumait Prize for African Development named AfricaRice as one of the two winners of the US$1 million Al-Sumait Food Security Prize 2019 in recognition of its important role in enhancing food security in Africa. The Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA) is the co-winner of this Prize.
FAO 70th anniversary commemorative medal
AfricaRice received the 70thanniversary commemorative medal of FAO for outstanding contributions and remarkable collaboration in support of FAO’s mission. AfricaRice Director General Dr Harold Roy-Macauley received the award in 2015.
Louis Malassis Young Promising Scientist Prize
Dr Kazuki Saito, AfricaRice agronomist from Japan, was awarded in 2015 the Agropolis Foundation’s 2015 Louis Malassis Young Promising Scientist Prize for leading work on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in 21 countries across Africa.
Louis Malassis Young Promising Scientist Prize
Dr Matty Demont, AfricaRice agricultural economist, received the 2012 Louis Malassis Young Promising Scientist Prize for his ground-breaking research in the field of rice value chain development in Africa.
Japan International Award for Young Researchers
Dr Jonne Rodenburg, AfricaRice Agronomist, won the 2011 Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers for spearheading the development of integrated weed management strategies in Africa.
Global South-South Cooperation Excellence Award
AfricaRice received the South-South Cooperation Excellence Award 2010 for lowland and upland NERICA rice varieties.
CGIAR Outstanding Communication Award
The 2009 CGIAR Outstanding Communication Award was presented to Dr Paul Van Mele, AfricaRice Program Leader on Learning and Innovation Systems, for the farmer-to-farmer videos on improved rice production practices.
CGIAR Outstanding Promising Young Scientist Award
The 2009 CGIAR Outstanding Promising Young Scientist Award was presented to Dr Jonne Rodenburg, AfricaRice Weed Scientist, for the development of integrated approaches to managing parasitic weeds, the major source of yield loss in rice in Africa.
United Nations Award for South-South Triangular Partnership
AfricaRice received the 2006 United Nations Award for South-South Triangular Partnership for the NERICA initiative.
Burkina Faso Presidential Award
Dr Moussa Sié, AfricaRice Lowland Rice Breeder, and the rice program of the Institut de l'environnement et de recherches agricoles (INERA) received the Burkina Faso Presidential Prize for the success of the lowland NERICAs in 2006.
Fukui International Koshihikari Rice Prize of Japan
Dr Moussa Sié, AfricaRice Lowland Rice Breeder, was one the two laureates of the 2006 Fukui International Koshihikari Rice Prize of Japan for leading the development of lowland NERICAs.
World Food Prize
Dr Monty Jones, former AfricaRice Rice Breeder, was one the two laureates of the 2004 World Food Prize, for the scientific breakthrough of interspecific hybridization and the development of the NERICA varieties.
Senegal Presidential Award for Science and Technology
AfricaRice and its partners in Senegal received the Senegal President’s award in 2003 for the development of the ASI Rice Thresher.
CGIAR King Baudouin Award
AfricaRice received the prestigious CGIAR King Baudouin Award in 2000 for its development of the ‘New Rice for Africa’ (NERICA).