Council of Ministers
AfricaRice Council of Ministers
The highest governing body of AfricaRice is the Council of Ministers (CoM) consisting of ministerial level representatives (ministers of agriculture or ministers of scientific research) of all AfricaRice member countries. Each member country appoints one representative.
Statutory meetings of the AfricaRice CoM are held once every two years. At the beginning of each ordinary session, the CoM elects a chair. The Chairmanship of the Council is rotated biennially between the regions of the continent (East, West, North, Central and Southern Africa) that are members of AfricaRice.
The Director General of AfricaRice serves as Secretary to the CoM. The current Chairmanship of the AfricaRice Council of Ministers is held by the Republic of Madagascar.
32nd ordinary session of Council of Ministers of AfricaRice, 31 March 2022, Cairo, Egypt
31st ordinary session of Council of Ministers of AfricaRice, Sep 2018 Dakar, Senegal
30th Ordinary Session of Council of Ministers of AfricaRice, Aug 2016, Kampala, Uganda​
29th Ordinary Session of Council of Ministers of AfricaRice, Dec 2013, N’Djamena, Chad
28th Ordinary Session of Council of Ministers of AfricaRice, Sep 2011, Banjul, The Gambia
27th Ordinary Session of Council of Ministers of AfricaRice, Sep 2009, Lomé, Togo
26th Ordinary Session of Council of Ministers of AfricaRice, Sep 2007, Abuja, Nigeria
Constitution of the Africa Rice Center