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on the Op-ed titled “Dakar 2 summit: Africa’s agrifood system and triple Helix,”
by Dr Yemi Akinbamijo,  
published in Nigerian Tribune on 7 February 2023  


Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire – 9 February 2023. The Op-ed titled “Dakar 2 summit: Africa’s agrifood system and triple Helix,” published in Nigerian Tribune on 7 February 2023 is attributed to Dr Yemi Akinbamijo, Executive Director of the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA).  


The statements expressed and the information relating to AfricaRice’s selection of its new Director General in this Op-ed are the author's own and do not represent the views of AfricaRice and its organs of management and governance. 


According to the Constitution of AfricaRice, which is both an intergovernmental Association of African member countries and a CGIAR Research Center, the official announcement of the Director General can only be made upon his/her appointment by the AfricaRice Council of Ministers.  


After receiving the official intimation from its Council of Ministers, AfricaRice will issue a formal announcement through its own official communication channels. 


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AfricaRice is a CGIAR Research Center – part of a global research partnership for a food-secure future.  It is also an intergovernmental association of African member countries.

​AfricaRice est un Centre de recherche du CGIAR – un partenariat mondial de la recherche agricole pour un futur sans faim. AfricaRice est aussi une association inter-gouvernementale composée de pays membres africains.


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