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  • From dust bowl to rice bowl
    Conservation agriculture has a vital role to play in sub-Saharan Africa’s food security for a population projected to rise to 2 billion by 2050. 


  • The hybrid alternative for Africa
    Developing the hybrid rice technology capacity of national partners, farmers, nongovernment organizations, and the private sector is a major component of the AfricaRice strategy.





  • “Dam” good heroes
    A small dam in M’bé near Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire represents the inspiring story of unsung heroes who helped more than 300 farming households survive...


  • A SMART choice for Africa’s inland-valley rice farmers
    “The potential is there, but you can’t eat potential.” This is one of the most memorable statements of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Norman Borlaug. His remark would perfectly fit the case of the inland-valley lowlands in Africa, which are known to have high agricultural production potential, but have...


  • Hats off to a master juggler
    A dynamic research leader, a well-respected rice agronomist, a mentor to young scientists, a widely published author, and a loving family man, Marco Wopereis wears many hats and juggles them all with equal efficiency.






  • Adding value to Africa’s rice
    Africa researchers are looking at every step rice goes through to lessen wastage and improve its value to help raise income, improve rice quality, and expand the market for locally produced rice products.

  • A game changer in Africa’s rice agronomy
    From the football field to rice fields, Kazuki Saito is proving to be one of Africa’s most valuable players

  • Climate-smart rice for Africa
    Africa faces the reality of climate change with new rice varieties adapted to environmental stresses expected to become more frequent and intense



  • Banking on Africa’s rice potential
    The 3rd Africa Rice Congress issued a clarion call to increase investments in Africa’s rice sector so that the continent can realize its rice promise







  • Trouble from the sky
    Best agricultural practices may be the best scarecrows for Africa’s nemesis in rice fields.






  • Feeding the world in 2050
    To feed the world in 2050, an intelligent combination of four factors is essential: appropriate technologies, good infrastructure, favorable economic and institutional environment, and the preservation of natural resources.


  • Unleashing the force
    “Africa needs trained rice breeders—most African countries have none,” said Kofi Annan.


  • Beware of bronzing
    Rice faces its own kryptonite—iron toxicity—and AfricaRice is finding a way to help rice survive


  • The pillars of Africa's agriculture
    In Africa, women play a central role in rice farming, and targeting women in technology dissemination can have a greater impact on poverty than targeting men.



  • Rice for peace
    War-torn African nations turn back to rice to rebuild lives and regain peace



  • Pockets of gold
    Scientists find a treasure trove of information in Africa's indigenous rice





  • Uganda's rice revolution 
    Sub-Saharan Africa’s “new kid on the block” positions itself as the rice granary of the region by adopting the right policies and appropriate technologies, strengthening capacity building, and engaging both the public and private sector 



  • Making science work
    A communication campaign designed to link rice production with relevant science promises to help African farmers and processors boost their productivity


  • Moving up in Ethiopia
    If successful, initiatives to boost rice production in Ethiopia can help the country achieve food security


  • Opportunity from crisis
    From the chaos of the recent rice crisis comes opportunity for African countries intent on boosting production of the continent’s fastest growing staple.


  • The rice AIDS of Africa
    Poor farmers in Africa call it the “rice AIDS” because of its potential for devastation. But a strategy blending cutting-edge biotechnology with regional knowledge may yet stifle the impact of rice yellow mottle virus. 


  • African rice research expands 
    Four new countries have become members of the Africa Rice Center, signaling increased investment in rice research and the growing importance of rice in Africa.


  • Three heads are better than one 
    In the face of steeply rising rice prices, three of the world’s leading international agricultural research institutes plan to combine their activities in Africa and so create a powerful new force focused on boosting African rice production.


  • Forging a rice partnership for Africa
    When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion!”—so goes a well-known Ethiopian saying. This could be an apt description for the new partnership being forged among international research centers to address sub-Saharan Africa’s enormous rice challenge.


  • The rice man of Africa
    Growing up in Sierra Leone, rice researcher Monty Jones was encouraged to become a priest. It’s lucky for Africa he didn’t.


  • In search of new seeds 
    The improved New Rice for Africa varieties are helping not only African grain farmers but seed producers as well.


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01 BP 4029, Boulevard François Mitterrand, Cocody, Abidjan 01, Côte d'Ivoire

T: +225 27 22 48 09 10; 
F: +225 27 22 44 26 29



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AfricaRice is a CGIAR Research Center – part of a global research partnership for a food-secure future.  It is also an intergovernmental association of African member countries.

​AfricaRice est un Centre de recherche du CGIAR – un partenariat mondial de la recherche agricole pour un futur sans faim. AfricaRice est aussi une association inter-gouvernementale composée de pays membres africains.


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