ORYZA2000 crop simulation model for Africa: ORYZA_S developed by AfricaRice in the 1990s allowed regional analysis of climatic risk to irrigated rice cropping in the Sahel and zonation of regions with potential for double cropping. An improved version, ORZYA2000, was released in 2001 by IRRI. A new adapted subversion of ORYZA2000 has been developed by AfricaRice that offers a powerful analytic tool for climate change impact assessment and cropping calendar optimization in Africa.
Simple model for simulating heat induced sterility in rice as a function of flowering time and transpirational cooling: New simple model for predicting transpirational cooling as a function of relative humidity and air temperature was developed by AfricaRice for simulating heat induced sterility in rice.
Cropping Calendar Construction (CCC): The CCC is an Excel-based tool developed by AfricaRice, which can help researchers and extension agents investigate intensification options and optimize cropping calendar for irrigated rice-based systems.
Drought prediction model: AfricaRice has evaluated the predictors of drought in inland-valley rice-based production systems in Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria and the factors affecting farmers’ mitigation measures. Among 21 candidate drought-predictors, average annual ‘standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index’ (SPEI), a drought index that includes a comprehensive water balance) and duration of groundwater availability were best correlated with drought occurrence in inland-valley rice-based systems.
Mapping abiotic stress of rice: AfricaRice has developed maps to aid targeting of abiotic-stress-tolerant rice varieties. Maps for four abiotic stresses (drought, cold, iron toxicity and salinity) have been prepared. All the related maps and tables generated are publicly available.
The Global Yield Gap and Water Productivity Atlas (GYGA): It provides robust estimates of untapped crop production potential on existing farmland based on current climate and available soil and water resources. AfricaRice contributed to estimation of yield gap for rice in Burkina Faso, Côte D'ivoire, Ghana, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.
RiceAtlas: it is a spatial database of global rice calendars and production. It consists of data on rice planting and harvesting dates by growing season and estimates of monthly production for all rice-producing countries. AfricaRice and its national partners provide with expert knowledge of those information in Africa.