33rd Ordinary session of the Council of Ministers (COM) of the Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice)
Updated: Oct 11
This it to notify AfricaRice partners and stakeholders that the 33rd ordinary session of the AfricaRice Council of Ministers (COM) is scheduled to hold on November 7-9, 2024 in Antananarivo, Madagascar under the auspices the Honorable HAJARISON François Sergio, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of the Republic of Madagascar and Chairperson of Council of Ministers of AfricaRice. The following are some of the highlights of the 33rd COM meeting:
High Level Ministerial (HLM) meeting on rice self-sufficiency (HLM), and Madagascar Rice Day Exhibition.
The AfricaRice National Experts Committee (NEC) meeting.
The 33rd ordinary session of the AfricaRice Council of Minister (COM).